Exercises After Knee Replacement
Recovery after knee replacement surgery is not just about healing—it’s about getting your life back, step by step. The right exercises after knee replacement can help you walk without wincing, climb those stairs like it’s nothing, or even get back to your favourite activities in no time. Ready to begin? Consult our experts now and we’ll bring you closer to the active, pain-free life you deserve!
Why Are Exercises Important After Knee Replacement?
Exercises after knee replacement surgery are essential for restoring strength, mobility, and range of motion in the knee. Surgery replaces damaged tissue, but regaining full function requires consistent rehabilitation through guided movements.
Physical activity helps in:
• Reducing stiffness and swelling.
• Improving circulation to aid healing.
• Strengthening muscles to support the new joint.
• Restoring confidence in movements and balance.

When Should I Begin Exercising After Knee Replacement Surgery?
Knee replacement recovery exercises begin sooner than you think, usually within a day or two after surgery. Don’t worry, though. It’s all done with a physical therapist by your side, guiding each step to make sure it’s safe and effective. Here’s how the timeline typically unfolds:
• Day 1-7
Exercises focus on reducing swelling and improving joint flexibility. Movements include ankle pumps, gentle leg slides, or just practising straightening the knee.
• Week 2-6
Strength-building exercises come into play, targeting the muscles around the knee, like the quads, hamstrings, and calves. Seated leg lifts, step-ups, and mini-squats become part of the routine.
• Week 7 and Beyond
By now, the knee is getting stronger, and the exercises shift to more advanced activities. This phase is about restoring full function and mobility. You might work on balance, and endurance, and even practice climbing stairs or walking longer distances.
Top 5 Essential Exercises For Knee Replacement Recovery
After surgery, knee replacement exercises are essential for rebuilding strength, flexibility, and mobility. Here’s a breakdown of some key exercises that will help you get back to living your life, one step at a time. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Quadriceps Sets (Day 1-7)
This simple exercise helps strengthen your quadriceps muscles, which are vital for knee stability and movement.
How to do it:
• Stretch your leg straight out when sitting or lying down.
• Press your knee against the floor or bed to tighten your quadriceps (the muscles on top of your thighs)
• Hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax.
• Repeat 10-15 times, 3-5 times a day.
2. Heel and Toe Raises (Week 2-6)
This exercise helps improve calf strength and ankle mobility, which are crucial for balance and walking after surgery.
How to do it:
• Stand while holding onto a stable surface (like a counter or chair).
• Lift your heels off the ground so you’re on your toes. Hold for a second.
• Lower your heels and lift your toes off the ground, so you're on your heels.
• Repeat 10-15 times, 2-3 times a day.
3. Leg Raises (Week 2-6)
This exercise strengthens the muscles around the knee, including the quadriceps and hip flexors, without putting too much pressure on the joint.
How to do it:
• Lie flat on your back with one leg bent and the other leg straight.
• Slowly raise the straight leg several inches off the floor, keeping it straight.
• Hold for a few seconds, then lower it back down.
• Repeat 10-15 times on each leg.
4. Step-Ups (Week 7 onwards)
Step-ups simulate the action of climbing stairs, which is key to regaining your ability to move independently.
How to do it:
• Stand in front of a small step or platform.
• Raise one foot and bring the other foot up to meet it.
• Step down with the same foot, then repeat with the opposite leg.
• Perform 10-15 repetitions on each leg.
5. Hamstring Curls (Week 7 onwards)
Strengthens the hamstring muscles in the back of your leg, which are crucial for knee stability and mobility.
How to do it:
• Stand while holding onto a stable surface.
• Slowly bend one knee, bringing your heel up toward your buttocks.
• Hold for a second, then lower your foot back down.
• Repeat 10-15 times for each leg.
We know recovery from knee replacement surgery isn't easy. If you are considering knee replacement surgery, get in touch with us!
Tips For Walking Safely After Knee Replacement Surgery
Walking is a very important form of exercise after knee replacement surgery. Let’s go over some simple things to keep in mind to make walking safe as you recover.
1. Use Support When Needed
2. Wear the Right Shoes
3. Take It Slow and Steady
4. Watch Your Surroundings
Benefits Of Post-Surgery Exercises
Every stretch, lift, and step brings new strength and freedom. Exercises after knee replacement surgery offer a multitude of benefits:
1. Helping You Move Freely
Bending and straightening the knee might feel stiff after surgery and regular exercise helps improve that range of motion, making everyday tasks—walking, sitting, or climbing stairs—easier.
2. Helps Improve Pain
Strengthening the muscles around the knee reduces the load on the joint itself, which eases the discomfort. That way, you feel less pain as the recovery progresses.
3. Restores Trust On Your Knee
After surgery, it’s natural to feel nervous about moving too much or putting weight on the knee. But with consistent exercise, the body learns to trust the new joint.
4. Faster Recovery
Active rehabilitation improves circulation, reduces swelling, and helps the body bounce back faster. The more consistent the effort of your exercises, the sooner you get to walking long distances or returning to your favourite hobbies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Asking questions and getting the right information will help you heal faster and feel more confident. Here are some mostly asked questions from our patients:
When is it safe to walk following knee replacement surgery?
After knee replacement surgery, walking typically starts within the first day or two under the guidance of your physical therapist. Initially, you’ll begin with short, gentle walks using a walker or crutches. As your strength improves through knee replacement exercises, you can gradually increase the distance and duration.
How can I tell I'm doing the exercises correctly?
It’s normal to wonder if you’re doing exercises right! The best way to ensure you're on track is to follow your physical therapist’s instructions closely.
How long does it take to fully recover after knee replacement surgery?
Recovery time varies, but on average, it takes about 6 months to a year for most people to fully recover. The first 6 weeks are focused on reducing pain and swelling, then the next few months are dedicated to rebuilding strength and mobility through knee replacement exercises.
Will my knee ever feel “normal” again?
While your knee may never feel exactly the same as it did before the surgery, with consistent rehabilitation, it will become more stable, mobile, and functional. Most people find they can do many of their usual activities with much less pain.
How do I bear the pain during my recovery?
Pain is a normal part of the healing process, but it can be managed with medications as prescribed by your doctor, ice therapy, and gentle movements. Also, resting the knee when needed and elevating it can help reduce swelling and discomfort during
Still having concerns?
Contact us today to learn more about post-knee replacement rehabilitation and
how we can guide the way to a pain-free, active life!
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